According To Science, This Is What Jesus Would Actually Look Like

Christianity is the largest religion on Earth, and a central figure of this religion is Jesus Christ, who you've probably heard of.

When you picture Jesus Christ in your head, what do you see? A white man, long blonde hair, and blue eyes?

There have perhaps been more depictions of Christ than anyone else in history.

But just because everyone seems to insist that Jesus looked like a typical white male, that doesn’t make it accurate.

Just ask forensic anthropologist Richard Neave.

Neave developed an image of the Christian figure that is pretty far removed from the face we’re used to — but one that was informed by historical evidence and computerized tomography.

But before we get to his images, we have to wonder how we came about our current depiction of Jesus.

His appearance isn’t described in great detail in the bible. It only mentions that Jesus “had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.”

Not too specific.

It's thought this description of Jesus was intentionally vague so it could appeal to members of all ethnicities.
However, Jesus has been largely depicted as primarily Caucasian, until now…

By Abby Heugel
